Rank Advancement Training (RAT) Camp

Monday July 10th

Summer can be tough on attendance…

But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on that next belt!!

2 Hours of Training Just $35 Per Student

Sessions for both Beginner and Advanced Level are available!

Space will be limited, plan now for your future success!

July 7th

August 11th


July 12th-14th!

Check your Email for Official Invite and Registration Link

ALL Tigers: FRIday, 5:00pm

    Beginners: Wed 5:00 OR Thurs 5:30

Advanced:  Wed 5:45 OR Thurs 6:30pm

  Black Belts: Red/Black with Adv on Thursday

Attend extra classes, get Private Lessons, or attend RAT Camp to be ready for Graduation.